Saturday, March 17, 2007


*taken from the book.[page 1-6]

One of the outstanding rewards of teaching comes when you see students, whom you have taught and influenced, achieve success and move ahead in their chosen fields.

To lead youth, educationally speaking, from darkness to light, to pave the way for adults to increase their knowledge, improve their skills and sharpen their intellects, is rendering a real service. To teach thoroughly and sincerely is to serve unstintingly without ear for the bell, eye for the clock, or hand for immediate monetary gains.

In many of the schools throughout the country, tenure in a teaching assignment is now the rule. In industry, those selected to teach in company programs are usually rewarded by additionally compensation and advanced position.
In government assignments, teaching is often the first step to new, exciting careers. Freedom from worry over shifting occupational trends or job changes and the flexibility within the assignment, together with the knowledge that there is a constant need for the services of good teachers, make for real job security. be continued..............................................

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